Jean Baudrillard is the primary influence etc etc

intro stuff here

etc etc

When God died, there was still Nietzsche to say so. But before the simulated transparency of all things, before the simulacrum of the materialist or idealist realization of the world in hyperreality (God is not dead, he has become hyperreal), there is no longer a theoretical or critical God to recognize his own.

can talk about how there are a few are secondary sources but no comprehensive guide, also nothing that pushes baudrillard's work further, nothing interesting being recently done, etc.

if baud was criticized for being hyperbolic before, this is no longer the case

so much misreading and misunderstanding of baudrillard from not reading his entire body of work, only a select few pieces,
not reading his interviews, not reading him as a continuation of nietzsche, etc.

written 40+ books
needs to be understood in the entirety of his writing otherwise misunderstood
ordered chronologically by original publication date

baud's work like a puzzle or like a fractal, this guide makes it so you can understand concepts, etc., without all the cross-referencing, etc. take this from the faq page or what i had written about it

Why Baudrillard?

After the end, gives way/conceptual tools to think about what's going on, prescient like he's writing today, etc.

we can't neutralize/make harmless baudrillard, needs to be a source of change in our thinking (reword this a bit)

Why theory?






some more writing down here